
Research on the Cutting Edge

Linguistics research at NC State involves numerous ongoing multi-year projects involving both faculty and students. See below to learn more!

So Long, Drawl
Gender Differences in Speech
Preserving Yucatec Maya

The Phonetics Lab

The North Carolina State University Phonetics Lab houses state-of-the-art equipment for studying the articulation, acoustics, and perception of speech, to address research questions in phonetics, phonology, language variation, and language change. The Phonetics Lab is directed by Dr. Jeff Mielke and affiliated with the Linguistics Program in the Department of English.

Raleigh Research

Our ongoing research of speech communities in Raleigh investigates the changing dialects of the urban south. This has involved extensive interviews with life-long Raleigh-ites of varying ages and backgrounds, of both English and Spanish.

SLAAP and the Linguistics Lab

The Sociolinguistic Archive and Analysis Project (SLAAP) is an interactive web-based archive of sociolinguistic recordings, with integrated media playing and annotation features, as well as phonetic analysis and corpus analysis tools designed for enabling and improving empirical linguistic inquiry. SLAAP was built by Tyler Kendall and is maintained by linguistics students and faculty in the Linguistics Lab in Tompkins Hall Room 204.

Student Research

As a linguistics student at NC State, you have the opportunity to travel the country to present your own research. Faculty closely mentor students to be productive researchers, and students graduate with multiple conference and journal publications.