Campus Diversity Project: Educating the Educated

Our program, “Educating the Educated: A University-Wide Language Diversity Initiative,” is establishing a comprehensive approach to the issue of language diversity on campus. The model is a collaborative effort by members of CHASS, DASA, and College of Education led by Drs. Stephany Dunstan, Walt Wolfram, and Audrey Jaeger. Additionally, the Educating the Educated plan has established a student ambassador program that involves the mentoring of undergraduate and graduate students actively engaged in peer diversity education through a program that enriches students’ learning experiences, enhancing peer diversity education on campus, and which facilitates the sustainability of the Educating the Educated program.

Ideally, through this initiative every student, faculty and staff member who comes to NC State will be exposed to dialect diversity education and gain some understanding of its value. We believe that by highlighting this often-unrecognized type of diversity in a systematic way, we can make NC State a more inclusive linguistic environment for all of its constituents and expose issues of language-based stratification and inequality in systematic and comprehensive ways.


Language Diversity Research and Projects

Language Diversity: The Forgotten Dimension of Diversity (Powerpoint presentation)

Angela Tramontelli - The Inclusion of Linguistic Diversity in Foreign Language Curricula

Karissa Wojcik - An alternative spring break: learning the Ocracoke Brogue


For more information on future and past events, visit Howl With an Accent

Project Co-Directors

Stephany Dunstan (sbdunsta at ncsu dot edu)
Walt Wolfram (walt_wolfram at ncsu dot edu)
Audrey Jaeger (audrey_jaeger at ncsu dot edu)