Student Conference Travel
The Linguists at NC State are renowned for their cutting-edge and boisterous presence at national academic conferences. As a student you are strongly encouraged by faculty to submit class research projects for various linguistic conferences, and the program provides substantial financial support in order to get students there. Once at a conference, you have the opportunity to network with and present to a worldly scholarly body.
NC State Linguistics students and faculty regularly attend the Linguistic Society of America (LSA) annual meeting, Spanish Linguistics in North Carolina (SLINKI), New Ways of Analyzing Variation (NWAV), the International Workshop on Spanish Sociolinguistics (WSS), and the Southeastern Conference on Language (SECOL). See below for summaries of our recent student and faculty conference presence, from most recent to least recent.

Our program's support for students traveling to conferences provided me the opportunity not only to strengthen my presentation skills, but also to develop a reputation in the field!
Caroline Myrick, alumnus of the M.A. English program, Current NCSU PhD Student

SECOL 2018
Location: Blacksburg, VA
Program: LINK
NC State Presenters:
- Leah Nodar: ”‘What are you doing, Link?’: The Use of Pronouns in a Let’s Play”Zack Dukic: “Inclusive Pronoun Usage in the Construction of Political Identity”
- Caroline Myrick and Jon Forrest: “Fightin’ Words: Dialect Discrimination in the Academic and Professional Workplace”
- Katherine Conner: “When Violation Goes Viral: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Social Media Comments on Sexual Assault in the ‘Real’ World”
- Razia Husain: “Optimal Grammar of English-use in Bollywood Lyrics”
- KellyNoel Waldorf: “Bridging the Educational Gap with Talking Black in America: Educational Materials on Sociolinguistic Topics”
- Lars Naborn: “A Quantitative Study of the Dutch /tj/ Cluster Realization Among Multicultural Speakers in Amsterdam”
- Jessica Hatcher and Jeffrey Reaser: “Empowering Standardized English Learners” A Critical Language Pedagogy Intervention for Middle Grades Students”Marie Bissell: “ ‘B**** we are not stuck in 2005’: Stancetaking, Chronotopes, and Ideological Identity in Reactions to Imitations of American Regional Accents”
- Shalina Omar: “ ‘It’s true; ain’t nobody got time fo dat’: Linguistic Subordination and the Humor of Black Speech”
- Cecilia Tomasatti: “Italians in the US, Italian Americans, or Italians and Americans?: Language and Identity Practices of new Italian Immigrants to the US”
NC State Awards:
- Marie Bissell: 2018 Recipient of the Reza Ordoubadian Best Student Paper Award for “Mapping Prejudice: A Perceptual Dialectology Approach to Evaluating Language Attitudes towards South-Perceived Speech in the United States”

LSA/ADS 2018
Location: Salt Lake City, UT
Program: LINK
NC State Presenters:
- Jessica Hatcher & Jeff Mielke: "Tools for Measuring Pre-Rhotic /d/ Affrication in Spontaneous Speech"
- Steve Parker (Graduate Institute of Applied Linguistics), Jeff Mielke, & Frankie Pennington: "Phonetic Study of /ɨ/ and /ɯ/ in Boraâ"
- Marie Bissell: "A perceptual dialectology approach to examining gender-region attitude interactions for southern speech"
- Jon Forrest & Walt Wolfram: "A quantitative analysis of social factors and internal constraints on (ING) in African American Language"
- Carolina Myrick: "[IN] the mountain [ON] Seba [IN] them days: environmental & historical connections to Saban English"

Additional Conference Travel 2018
- Cecilia Tomasatti: “‘Emerging national identities in the limbo"
18th Annual English Graduate Student Conference – Charlotte, NC
- Cecilia Tomasatti: “‘Born-Translated’ Literature and Italophone postcolonial novels"
University of North Carolina Colloquium – Chapel Hill, NC
- Marie Bissell: “‘The Role of Linguistic Self-Perception in Perceptual Dialectology Tasks"
Spanish Linguistics in North Carolina (SLINKI) – Winston-Salem, NC
- Zack Dukic: “‘Inclusive Pronoun Usage in the Construction of Political Identity"

NWAV 2017
Location: Madison, WI
Program: Link
NC State Presentations and Posters:
- Aaron Dinkin (University of Pennsylvania), Jon Forrest, & Robin Dodsworth: “Word frequency in a contact-induced change”
- Caroline Myrick & Lars Naborn: “English variation in the Dutch Caribbean: Evidence of Dutch substrate in Saban English?”
- Jon Forrest: “Language at work: Workplace conditioning of language variation in the South”
- Katherine Conner & Abby Walker (Virginia Tech): “He said, she said: Exploring the role of gender and gendered attitudes in true and false memories”
- Caroline Myrick, Joel Schneier, Jeff Reaser, & Nicole Eberle (University of Zurich): “Mapping variation in the English-speaking Caribbean: Moving toward a more complete understanding of Caribbean English.”
- Robin Dodsworth, Jessica Hatcher, & Jordan Holley: “Social networks and intra-speaker variance for changes in progress”

NC State Graduate Research Symposium 2017
- Karen Eisenhauer: “Directives in Disney and Pixar Movies: A Quantitative Analysis”
- Ari Janoff: “Third Dialect In Santa Barbara, California: An Examination of the California Vowel Shift”
- Caroline Myrick, Jon Forrest, & Michael J. Fox: “The Significance of Sociolinguistic Variation in the Speeches of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.”
- Frankie Pennington: “Making a Confession: Tag Questions as Manipulative Discourse Markers”
- Cecilia Tomasatti: “Constructing Identity among Italians at NC State”
- Karen Eisenhauer, 1st Place Humanities
- Cecilia Tomasatti, 2nd Place Humanities

SECOL 2017
Location: Charleston, SC
Program: Link
NC State Presentations:
- Cat Flynn: “The effects of cultural capital on language learning motivation”
- Karen Eisenhauer & Walt Wolfram: “The ideological significance of YouTube commentary on language vignettes”
- Kelsey Campolong: “ ‘These are very, very dishonest people’: Constructions of truth in Trumpian political discourse”
- Lawrence Naborn: “A study of tap acquisition among non-native English speakers in Hickory, NC”
- Katherine Conner: “We are the Crystal Gems: Queer identity expression in Steven Universe through sociophonetic variation”
- Amanda Eads: “Nostalgic Resonations: Being Syrian-Lebanese in Grand Rapids, Michigan”
- Jessica Hatcher & Agnes Bolonyai: “’Hungary? I don’t know anything about Hungary:’ Perceptions of Hungarian Americans in the Southern US”
- Hannah Smith: “Black-on-black crime: A Discursive analysis on the modern-day racial divide in America”
- Cecilia Tomasatti: “Constructing identity among Italians at NC State”
- Razia Hussein: “Identity and power in a Pakistan talk show conversation”
- KellyNoel Waldorf: “Indexing identity and community in drag queens’ terms of address, endearment, and derogation”
NC State Awards:
- Razia Hussein: Winner of Student Paper Award

LSA 2017
Location: Austin, TX
Program: Link
NC State Presentations:
- Jeff Reaser & Jessica Hatcher: "How Southern identity shapes pre-service teachers' responses to sociolinguistic information"
- Carmen Fought (Pitzer College) & Karen Eisenhaur: "A Quantitative analysis of gendered compliments in Disney Princess films"
- Walt Wolfram & Caroline Myrick: "Linguistic commonality in the English of the African diaspora: evidence from lesser-known varieties of English"
- Amanda Eads: " Indigenous and immigrant Lebanese code-switching within OT"
- Amy Hemmeter: "Social and acoustic factors in the perception of creak"
- Joel Schneier & Peter Kudenov: "Texting in motion: Towards the synchronous study of SMS"

Additional Conference Travel 2017
LCUGA 4 - Athens, GA
Program: Link
- KellyNoel Waldorf: “Multilingualism and language diversity in mainstream U.S. television: A case study of Jane the Virgin”
- Katherine Conner: “Language-in-education policy reform as transitional justice”
- Joshua Hummel: “How ‘Black’ is Brer Rabbit?: Markers of AAE in Harris’ depiction of African American folktales”
Biennial Dictionary Society of North America (DSNA) Conference – Cave Hill, Barbados
- Caroline Myrick: “The Importance of Island-Specific Dialect Dictionaries in the Caribbean”
Southern Sociological Society Annual Meeting - Greenville, SC
- Jon Forrest, Steve McDonald (NCSU Sociology and Anthropology), & Robin Dodsworth. “Linguistic Job Matching: Southern Dialect and Employment across Industries”
Annual Meeting of the National Council of Teachers of English – St. Louis, MO
- Jessica Hatcher & Jeanne Dyches (Iowa State University): “Infusing Critical Language Pedagogy into Disciplinary Literacy Practices.”
48th Meeting of the College English Association – Hilton Head, SC.
- Stephany Brett Dunstan, Amanda Eads, Jessica Hatcher, & Caroline Myrick.: “Educating the Educated: the Role of University-Based Linguistic Diversity Programs.
Annual meeting of the American Dialect Society – Austin, TX.
- Jessica Hatcher : “Short Term Effectiveness of Language Awareness on Older Adolescents’ Attitudes and Knowledge. ”
Arab American Studies Association – Detroit, MI.
- Amanda Eads: “Lebanese Resonations: A Multidimensional Analysis of Being and Sounding Lebanese in the U.S.”
Communication, Rhetoric, and Digital Media Symposium The ReMIX: Multimedia and Intersectionality in Culture, Communication and the Academy – Raleigh, NC
- Ari Janoff: "Third Dialect In Santa Barbara, California: An Examination of the California Vowel Shift".

NWAV 2016
Location: Vancouver, CAN
Program: LINK
NC State Presenters:
- Carmen Fought (Pitzer College) & Karen Eisenhauer: “Gendered compliment behavior in Disney and Pixar: A quantitative analysis”
- Jon Forrest & Robin Dodsworth: “An intersectional model of social factors in Raleigh's retreat from the Southern Vowel Shift”
- Michael J. Fox: “The structural antagonism and apparenttime change of the Northern Cities Shift and the Low Back Vowel Merger in northwestern Wisconsin English”

SECOL 2016
Location: New Orleans, LA
Program: LINK
NC State Presenters:
- Razia Hussein & Taha Hussein (University of Kentucky): “A method for acoustic measurement of voiced implosives: Evidence of implosives in a U.S. dialect”
- Cat Flynn: “’The only reason I travel’: Identity and ideology in folk linguistics on YouTube”
- Jessica Hatcher, Jeffrey Reaser, & Amanda J. Godley (University of Pittsburgh): “Diversity within homogeneity: How individual pre-service teachers respond differently to Critical Language Pedagogies”
- Agnes Bolonyai & Kelsey Campolong: “The semiotic capital of mobility: ‘Classic’ code-switching and ‘radical’ code-mixing”
- Yuqiu Liu: “Discursive co-construction of Chinese returnee applicants’ identities in a job-hunting reality TV show”
- Brooke Wallig: “Gatekeepers of Luxury? Discursive Strategies Employed for Identity Work by MAC Cosmetics”

NC State Presentations:
- Rebecca Ronquest, Emma Cathell & Chelsea Krieger: "An initial examination of Voice Onset Time in heritage Spanish across two communities"
- Rebecca Ronquest, Sarah Chetty, Hannah Hunter & Emily Lait: "The production of Spanish vowels by three groups of bilinguals form the Southeastern US"
- Juan David Gutiérrez: "Sibiliant Voicing in Colombian Spanish"
- Eric Wilbanks: "Spectral trajectories of Spanish /s/: Temporal variability and vowel coarticulatory forces"
- Jim Michnowicz, Alex Hyler, James Shepherd & Sonya Trawick: "Attitudes toward English-origin loanwords in NC Spanish: A sociolinguistic analysis"
- Juan David Gutiérrez: "Code-switching and the optimal grammar of two second language classrooms"
- Claudia Cortés: "Discourse markers in Salvadoran and Mexican Spanish in Raleigh, NC"
- Diana Bertke & Cecilia Paoppi: "Em...¿Cómo evolucionan las muletillas en el español de Carolina del Norte?"
- James Shepherd: "Peruvian perceptions and attitudes towards varieties of Spanish"
Jim Michnowicz & Alex Hyler: "Rhythmic timing in Yucatan Spanish"

WSS 2016
Location: Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico
Program: Link
NC State Presentations:
- Jim Michnowicz & Alex Hyler: "The acento pujado in Yucatan Spanish: prosodic rhythm and the search for the yucateco accent"
- Jim Michnowicz, Alex Hyler, James Shepherd & Sonya Trawick: "Doing "Real" sociolinguistic research with undergraduates: Survey data on Spanish in the US"
NC State Graduate Research Symposium 2016
Location: NC State McKimmon Center
Abstracts and Awards: Link
NC State Linguistics Posters
- Eric Wilbanks: “ ‘SHtriking’ Change in Raleigh’s Speech: Acoustic Analysis of (str) Retraction”
NC State Linguistics Awards
- Eric Wilbanks, 1st Place Humanities

LSA 2016
Location: Washington, D.C.
Program: LINK
NC State Presenters:
- Amy Hemmeter: “Social and acoustic factors in the perception of creak”
- Jeffrey Reaser, Jessica Hatcher, Jeanne Bissonnette (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), & Amanda Godley (University of Pittsburgh):“How Southern identity shapes pre-service teachers' responses to sociolinguistic information”
- Amanda Eads: “Indigenous and immigrant Lebanese code-switching within OT”
- Carmen Fought (Pitzer College) & Karen Eisenhauer: “A quantitative analysis of gendered compliments in Disney Princess films”
- Joel Schneier & Peter Kudenov: “Texting in motion: towards the synchronous study of SMS”

Additional Conference Travel 2016
The Society for Pidgin & Creole Linguistics (SPCL) – Washington, D.C.
- Walt Wolfram & Caroline Myrick : “Linguistic Commonality in the English of the African Diaspora: Evidence from Lesser-Known Varieties of English.”
Bilingualism Forum at UIC. – Chicago, IL
- Kelsey Campolong: "Space and Identity in the Linguistic Landscape of a Chicago Neighborhood: The Ukrainian Village, a Case Study."
National Council of Teachers of English - Atlanta, GA
- Jeanne Dyches Bisonette (Iowa State University), Jessica Hatcher, Jeffrey Reaser, & Amanda Godley (University of Pittsburgh): “Building Advocacy through Critical Language Pedagogy.”
Arabic Second Language Acquisition Conference – Ann Arbor, MI
- Amanda Eads, Jodi Khater (NCSU World Languages and Cultures), & Jeff Mielke: “Arabic L2 Acquisition: An Ultrasound Study of Emphatics and Gutturals.“
Workshop on Arabic and Romance Languages at the Annual Arabic Symposium – Stony Brook University, NY
- Amanda Eads: “Immigrant Lebanese Code-Switching within Optimality Theory”
AEGS Symposium - Raleigh, NC
- Kelsey Campolong: " 'We Mustn't Fool Ourselves': 'Orbanian' Discourse in the Political Battle over the Refugee Crisis and European Identity.”
- Ari Janoff: “ ‘Na mondom, ‘I’m a Cajun’’: The role of code switching in/and reported speech in bilingual narratives”

NWAV 2015
Location: Toronto, ON, Canada
Program: Link
NC State Presentations & Posters:
- Walt Wolfram, Caroline Myrick, Michael J. Fox & Jon Forest: “The Sociolinguistic legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.: Analysis and implications for social justice”
- Amy Hemmeter: “Social and acoustic factors in the perception of creak”
- Eric Wilbanks: “The Development of FASE (Forced Alignment System for Español) and implications for sociolinguistic research”
- Jeff Mielke, Christopher Carignan, & Erik Thomas: “Articulatory signals from ultrasound video, applied to North American English variables”
- Jeffrey Reaser, Jessica Hatcher, Jeanne Bissonnette & Amanda Godley: “Regional differences in pre( service teachers' responses to critical language pedagogies”
- Amanda Eads: “The Sociolinguistic Significance of Lebanese Liquids: Production of /l/ and /r/ in Lebanese Arabic and English”
- Michael J. Fox: “The Frequency of Undershoot in the Diffusion of the Low'Back Vowel Merger”

Location: Raleigh, North Carolina
Program: Link
NC State Presentations:
- Kellam Barta: “We Just Decided To”
- Jeanne Bissonnette (UNC Chapel Hill), Jessica Hatcher, Jeffrey Reaser, & Amanda Godley (University of Pittsburgh): “Stigmatized Stewards: Understanding Regional Differences in Pre-service ELA Teachers’ Responses to Critical Language Pedagogies”
- Amanda Eads: “Lebanese-American in the South: Transition from Diasporic to Hyphenated Identity”
- Amy Hemmeter: “Creating gender-neutral stimuli”
- Kim Lilienthal: “Stancetaking in International Service Learning Reflection: A Discursive Model of Assessment”
- Brianna Teague & Jeffrey Reaser: “Linguistic Localness, Distance, and Network Through North Carolina Toponym Pronunciations”
- Angela Tramontelli: “Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes: Perceptual Dialectology in Michigan”
- Cadwel Turnbull: “’I HATE Colloquial Verse’: Examining Vernacular Third Person and Naturalized Elitist Ideologies in Fiction”
- Brooke Wallig: “Turn Down For What? Exploration and Analysis of the Functions of English in Korean Hip-Hop”
NC State Graduate Research Symposium 2015
- Angela Tramontelli: “The Inclusion of Linguistic Diversity in Foreign Language Curricula”
- Eric Wilbanks: “The Role of Social Information in Cognitive Processing: Sex and Sexuality”

LSA 2015
Location: Portland, Oregon
Program: Link
NC State Presentations & Posters:
- Joel Schneier: "Intra-Speaker Variation in Syllable Timing: the Zeitlin Tapes and Reconsidering PVI”
- Joel Schneier: "Style-Shifting in Texting: Quantitative Evidence from an Elicitation Experiment"
- Michael J. Fox: “Measuring regional variation in coda consonant coarticulation: a locus equation analysis”
- Caroline Myrick: “Question formation on the island of Saba: An acoustics-based analysis of syntactic and prosodic variation”
- Jon Forrest: “Frequency effects and vowel lenition in (ING)”